
Gets a list of prerequisites of a course, and downloads course material

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Gets a list of prerequisites of a course, and downloads course material

Quick Start

Steps: Download/git clone and unzip. Run main.py

Input 1: Course 'Code'*

Input 2: Location where you want to move the folder to.

Course Code format: '/courses/physics/8-06-quantum-physics-iii-spring-2005' << without quotation marks

'Code' taken from url: https://ocw.mit.edu /courses/physics/8-06-quantum-physics-iii-spring-2018 /

Find courses at: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/find-by-number/

Happy learning!!

Additional Details

Required libraries:

bs4, requests, re, time, os, urllib, shutil, random, wget, pandas, tqdm



Input: the 'code' to an MIT OCW course where you want to download all prerequisites. If you provide a 'code' to a course on MIT OCW in the form of /courses/.../...[semester]-[year], the script will get the links to all Prerequisite courses.

Output: a list of prerequites, and its prerequites, etc.

Note: the path must begin with '/courses/', and end in the year without the final slash (e.g. 'spring-2020'). Without quotation marks!


Input: a list of prerequites courses. Will use output of get_prereq() by default.

Output: a pandas dataframe with code-name-season-year and course page link.



Input: a pandas dataframe with column name 'CourseName' and 'CourseLink'. clean_list_df() will provide the dataframe. Also can be used to download any OCW course, as long as dataframe with correct format is provided.

Output: Will download course material of all courses in pd.DataFrame. Creates a folder 'Courses', and downloads courses to that folder.


Since the 'Courses' will be default be created in the same directory as the script, you can move the 'Courses' folder to a different directory after downloads are complete. There will be a prompt to ask where to move the 'Course' folder. If the default directory is ok, type 'here', or leave blank.