Task Description

Create a python script that accepts command line arguments. The first argument will be a string with characters of only S and T. The second argument will be a variable sequence of integers. Using the input arguments output a string where S is Soft and T is Tough following the string pattern provided with a length determined by the input integer.

Example input:
SST 5 2

Example output:
Soft, Soft, Tough, Soft and Soft.
Soft and Soft.

Running the script

To run the script do the following:

python main.py STS 2 3 5

The first argument is the string of characters S and T. The second argument is the sequence of integers.

The above execution will result in the following output:

Soft and Tough.
Soft, Tough and Soft.
Soft, Tough, Soft, Soft and Tough.

To view more details about the script

python main.py -h


usage: main.py [-h] text numbers [numbers ...]

positional arguments:
  text        Enter string of S and T to format output
  numbers     Enter a sequence of integers separated by a space

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Running tests

Tests have been written using pytest. Make sure pytest is installed - requirements-dev.txt has the requirement if need be. Make sure you are in the project root folder:

  1. pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  2. pytest .

You should see all tests passing:

collected 6 items
test_main.py ......
6 passed in 0.01s


Time taken: ~3 hours
Writing the code took around 1.5 hours. I think I started off with using quotient and remainder approach first, but then realized this would be better as a recursive function. Had to do some reading of the argparse library documentation. Overall I think it was straightforward. Writing the test cases and documentation took another 1.5 hours.


  • If integer provided is a negative or 0 number then a blank string is outputted.