
Collection of dot config files for hyprland for HDReady displays with a simple install script for a fresh Arch linux with yay

Primary LanguageShell

Overview and automatic installation

Collection of dot config files for hyprland for HDReady displays with a simple install script for a fresh Arch linux with yay


Copy the yay git and install it, then copy this repo to /opt/ and make it owned by you (NOT ROOT), after that use the attached script "set-hypr" to install everything automatically.

chmod +x set-hypr && ./set-hypr

Manual Installation

Grab the config files and install packages with this commnad

yay -S hyprland-bin kitty waybar-hyprland \
    swaybg swaylock-effects wofi wlogout mako thunar \
    ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd noto-fonts-emoji \
    polkit-gnome python-requests starship \
    swappy grim slurp pamixer brightnessctl gvfs \
    bluez bluez-utils lxappearance xfce4-settings \
    dracula-gtk-theme dracula-icons-git xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git


SUPER + SPACE - Show the graphicall app launcher; SUPER + Shift + S - Select area for screenshot; SUPER + RETURN - Launch kitty (default terminal); ALT + F4 - Close focused window; SUPER + E - Launch Thunar (GUI File Manager); Shift + Alt - Switch between keyboard layouts (Default: us,ru); SUPER + L - Lock the screen; SUPER + V - Toggle window floating; SUPER + M - Show power/logout menu; SUPER + Shift + M - Exit Hyprland all together no (force quit Hyprland); SUPER + P - psuedo, dwindle; SUPER + J - togglesplit, dwindle;