🚨Video Series and Blog Post coming soon!🚨
This is an example of how to use AWS Amplify to create a contact form. The form is contained within a component so that it may live at any depth in your application.
- initialize projectâś”
- Gatsby
- create and style the form componentâś”
- CSS Modules
- CSS Grid
- add AWS Amplify to the projectâś”
- create backend servicesâś”
- appsync api via api token
- lambda
- ses env for prod and dev testing
- configure custom resolver to use AWS SESâś”
- update UI to handle Success, Pending, and Failure cases
- document how to get started with
amplify init --app ghURL
- How to add inline policy for lambda to contact SES
Extend project by creating a plugin for the function service that adds the policy needed for a lambda to talk to SES and sends a verification email. For integrating with the AWS SDK, it looks like this would help. This is the policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ses:SendEmail",
"Resource": "arn:aws:ses:<region>:<accountID:identity/<verified@email.com>"
Remember to properly configure the lambda to use SES. To see all the fields, check out the official docs