Created by Zhaoxuan "Tony" Wu, Head of Science, UCL Data Science Society
- Setup a Github account
- For MacOS/Linux: Download Git
- For Windows: Download Bash
You should download Git. Feel free to check the official documentation if you are interested in. We will be using the Terminal, so it might be helpful to get familiar with the commands.
Recommended Terminal for MacOS: iTerm2
Recommended multi-lang IDE: Atom, Visual Studio, Sublime Text, or Vim, which is pre-installed on MacOS
Get yourself a Github account, it's free! If you prefer graphical interface, Github Desktop. But we are going to learn Git and Github using command line today. Also, remember to claim your Github Student Package📦
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
- Industrial production standard
- Hackathon
- Writing a book
- Keeping lecture notes
- ...
Git is a system that manages the version control of a project, while Github is a remote platform that hosts that project using Git. For instance: git push
uploads your current local repository to Github
Repository ("Repo") : a receptacle or place where things are deposited or stored
Do the following on your own Terminal
Create a directory (or better known as "folder") for your project:
mkdir my-novel
Go to that directory:
cd my-novel
Initialise the project with Git so that Git manages the version control of the project:
git init
Now you should have a .git
folder in your directory, which is invisible currently. Also, your current project is called the local workspace.
Let's write a novel together!
You can do it with your IDE or with command line.
Edit the file using the built-in editor Vim, or use IDE. Copy and paste the following text:
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.
Before you commit your changes, you should add your changes to the stage, or "stage" it.
git add
Note that:
git add
takes in a parameter, which is the filename. The "wildcard" mode is also available: it stages every file that has been changed. To do so, execute:git add .
to pass.
as a wildcard parameter
To check your stage:
git status
And you will see:
On branch master
No commits yet
Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
new file:
Note that: here we can see some important information
- Branch:
(stay tuned for what it means)- Commits: none (stay tuned for what it means)
- Changes:
new file:
is staged and is ready to be commited
Now, commit your changes:
git commit -m "Initialise project with a intro"
Note that:
git commit
takes in commit comment using the-m
flag, followed by your comment string. It can be anything. Here we use"Initialise project with a intro"
as example, which is usually what you do for your first commit literally
Congrats! 🥳 You just commited your first contribution to the project! Now this version of commit is officially in your local repository (local repo).
When we develop a project, we tend to create a branch for the stuff we are working on here. For instance, in a collaborative working environment of a webpage, somebody will take care of the frontend while others will be working with the backend, or a team will be responsible for the styling, and the rest will write unit tests. So in this specific project, we can branch our project into a few branches:
- ...
and they can start working simultaneously. For instance: a frontend engineer can start writing JavaScripts while the backend scripting is not finished. Other good thing about branching is that it makes sure your commits do not "contaminate" your master
branch (the default/major branch) before its ready.
Create and switch to branch chapter-1
git checkout -b chapter-1
Note that:
flag accepts a parameter<branch_name>
and create such a branch which is not existed yet. Switching to an existing branch does not require-b
and write in the following:
In 1775, a man flags down the nightly mail-coach on its route from London to Dover. The man is Jerry Cruncher, an employee of Tellson's Bank in London; he carries a message for Jarvis Lorry, a passenger and one of the bank's managers. Lorry sends Jerry back to deliver a cryptic response to the bank: "Recalled to Life." The message refers to Alexandre Manette, a French physician who has been released from the Bastille after an 18-year imprisonment. Once Lorry arrives in Dover, he meets Dr. Manette's daughter Lucie and her governess, Miss Pross. Lucie has believed her father to be dead, and faints at the news that he is alive; Lorry takes her to France to reunite with her father.
In the Paris neighbourhood of the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, Dr. Manette has been given lodgings by his former servant Ernest Defarge and his wife Therese, owners of a wine shop. Lorry and Lucie find him in a small garret, where he spends much of his time making shoes – a skill he learned in prison – which he uses to distract himself from his thoughts and which has become an obsession for him. He does not recognise Lucie at first but does eventually see the resemblance to her mother through her blue eyes and long golden hair, a strand of which he found on his sleeve when he was imprisoned. Lorry and Lucie take him back to England.
Add and commit
Create and switch to branch chapter-2
and write something:
> Side notes: I don't know what to write but there should be a chapter 2, any thought?
Add and commit
Add the following to
> Side notes: Damn that's a good intro
Add and commit
git log
Note that: here are some useful flags:
: show each commit in one line:<hash> <commit_msg>
: visualisation of the commit history
: show the history across all branchesTo quit the log, press
Go to master
git checkout master
Merge with chapter-1
git merge chapter-1
Same for chapter-2
You might notice that it is quite dangerous to commit a copy of your sensitive information to a repo or to a remote repo.
- API keys
- Database password
- Credentials
- Biometrics data
- Data under NDA
- ...
At master
, create
and write:
> Don't tell anyone:
I copied those chapters from the Wikipedia page of "A Tale of Two Cities". Don't tell anyone, otherwise my careers is ****ed. Hope they don't do turnitin here
By using .gitignore
, you can prevent certain files to be commited to a repo
touch .gitignore
Directly add the name of the files you want to hide to that .gitignore
Now, stage and commit everything and see what happen.
And here comes a real story about poor Leo and his crypto-currency tokens...
Assume you did something wrong but you committed it, and you don't want to commit a debugged version of it for some reason (like it will look stupid in your commit history), you might want to remove some commits from the history.
For instance, going back to the last commit:
git reset --soft HEAD^
Note that:
git reset
has several modes(--soft
) and there are ways to manipulate the pointer to point at a commit that is higher up in the tree, using^
. Please refer to the doc
Now you might want to share your code with other developer, you can do this by putting your project on a remote repo. Do this by call the following function:"How to use GitHub"))
Obtain the repo
- Fork an existing project
- Clone the your remote repo to local
Make changes
- Make changes to local repo
- Add remote forked repo to
git remote -v
git remote add upstream <upstream_url>
Push to remote
to your remote repo- Make a pull request
Sync with forked repo
- Keep your local repo synced with the remote forked repo and push to your remote repo
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
git push -u origin upstream
- Sync your remote repo to remote forked repo on Github
from your remote repo to keep your local repo synced
- Manage pull request
- Review changes, make comments, reject or
pull request
Let's sign an attendance sheet collaboratively!
The repo to the attendance sheet
If we've got time, execute the following code for learning Git internals
public class GitDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Git/Github is massive, I haven't figure out all of it as well. This is a brief introduction to the tip of this iceberg.
Stay tuned for everything about data science
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