DS3231 ====== A Modified Library for using a DS3231 RTC with an Arduino Mega. The initial library was created by Eric Ayars in 2011 and modified in 2012 by John Hubert. I have added 3 new functions. 1) CheckEOSC Checks the status of the EOSC (Enable Oscillator Flag) bit 2) CheckINTCN Checks the status of the INTCN(Interupt Flag) bit 3) enableINTCN Enables/disables the INTCN bit Further modified in 2015 by Michael T. Mosier. I added 2 functions, getHour and getMonth, which take no parameters. The versions which take parameters for returning additional information are still available. For fuller details please look at the datasheet for the DS3231 Chip which is available from:- http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS3231.pdf