Sonar analysis in chaincodes


  • Sonar-scanner installed in the host machine (in MacOS you can install it with brew)
  • Docker 19.03
  • Go 1.12

Run the test and generate report

First it is necessary to run the sonar server

cd miscelanea
docker-compose up -d 

Once the server is up, it is necessary to execute the test and the code coverage

mkdir -p bin
go test -short -coverprofile=bin/cov.out `go list ./... | grep -v vendor/`
go tool cover -func=bin/cov.out

The next step is to execute the sonnar scanner


Finally, the report will be done. We can see it in the browser in the following url http://localhost:9000/

Run this repository

If you execute the following command, you will execute the past steps in one command.

make test

alt text

The following repository is an example