
Primary LanguageJavaScript


First homework for Information Visualization course held at the "Roma Tre" University of Rome by professor Maurizio Patrignani.


Antonio Matinata - a.matinata@gmail.com, ant.matinata@stud.uniroma3.it

Goal of The Project

Simulate a simple snowfall generating snowflakes, (their simplified silhouette was sufficient). The snowflakes, with a rate of three per second, falls from the drawing area downwards moving sideways with a random motion and, when a snowflake reach the bottom of ​​the drawing area, it stops.

New Features

  • Snowflakes have different shapes.
  • Snowflakes have different sizes.
  • The size of the snowflake influences the fall speed.
  • Snowflakes stops on the ground with a more realistic effect.
  • The background image change every minute.


Uploaded under imgs/ there are some useful resources. Here the link to the author's pages.

Favicon :


Snowflakes silhouettes: