MATLAB code and data for "Automatic image thresholding using Otsu’s method and entropy weighting scheme for surface defect detection"
- 810lishu
- breukerm
- cjy-1
- dhtcibp
- DOUCHENTINGHohai University
- dz2020-a
- elebossThe University of Hong Kong
- Ethanwolfie
- evenxiuer
- fallentheleaves
- Frasia-SH
- GokulGeoNorth Eastern Space Applications Centre
- hhj30
- hyk5201314
- Ichinose-Honami
- iconJqr
- imkeltChina
- jsb613Canada
- Minos2019
- pj-pjxy
- sjoonkwon0531
- yuan1311467
- zhangyuyayaya
- zhuxiao211State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by Beijing Normal University and Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Normal University
- ZhxJiaHIT
- zzy150735163