Visualize entities and the effects of a transaction on them.
Pass the results of a Datomic transaction to datoms-say/what?
. It
will return a string containing SVG.
Here's an example from a comment block in src/datoms_say.clj
(def users
[{:user/name "" :user/tokens #{100 101 102} :user/active? true :user/account #{"alice"}}
{:user/name "" :user/tokens #{} :user/active? true :user/account #{"bob" "bob2"}}
{:user/name "eve@attacker.zz" :user/tokens #{100} :user/active? false :user/account #{"eve"}}
{:db/id "alice" :account/id 1 :account/tier :account.tier/free}
{:db/id "eve" :account/id 2 :account/tier :account.tier/enterprise}
{:db/id "bob" :account/id 3 :account/tier :account.tier/free}
{:db/id "bob2" :account/id 4 :account/tier :account.tier/silver}])
(def result2 (d/transact conn users))
(spit "doc/sample.svg" (datoms-say/what? @result2))
That produces this image:
(This is a PNG because GitHub won't render SVG in Markdown. XSS risk.)
This is what it looks like when there are retractions and changes in a transaction:
Copyright © 2017 Michael Nygard
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.