Welcome to my project Decentralized Form (dForm)

This project is inspired by Google Forms.

  • Everybody can make a customized survey, see an analysis of a certain form, share the survey link to anyone as they want.

  • A Shared people will able to join a survey by using the shared link or using the survey id to join it.

  • After that, all the answers will be acquired and show the statistics for the owner

Usecase Diagram

dForm UserCase

  • The action of an owner can execute inclues:

    • Create new form
    • Edit form
    • Delete from (also delete all the question of this form)
    • Add new question
    • Edit question
    • Delete question
    • Join a form
    • View statistical
  • All of them need to be sign in first

Folder Structure

  • This project includes three folder
    • contract: Contains all the contract logic code of dForm. It was wrote in AssemblyScript
    • dapp: Contains all the web app code of dForm. This web app use the NextJs Framework
    • docs: Contains some figs, documentations (Todo)
  1. Contract

    • The contract includes three main folders
      • Controller: Contain all of the logic code of contract. receive requests from users, Interacting with Near storage and return the useful data.
      • Model: Contain all abstract object of Contract (Like OOP).
      • Storage: Contall all utility funtions to interact with Near Persistent Storage.
  2. dApp

    • The dApp inclues three main folders
      • backed: Contain utility function to connect to Near Wallet, Init the contract and so on
      • Components: Contain the whole logic code that will be used in this project
      • Pages: Contain all the pages of dApp

How to run this project

Let work with contract first.

  1. Contract

    • First of all, we need to login near wallet in terminal in the root folder of contract
    cd /contract
    near login
    • After that, install the node modules then build the contract
    npm i
    npx asb
    • Next, we need to change the Contract Name in Config file
    open the config.js
    vim /contract/src/config.js
    update the contract name as you want
    • The last, deploy the contract to testnet
    near deploy
  2. dApp

    • First of all, we install the node modules
    cd /dapp/cform
    npm i
    • Update the contract name in the utility file
    cd /backed
    vim /config.js
    update the contract name as you want
    • The last, run server
    yarn dev
    npm run dev

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know

My contact

Email: toan93.hust@gmail.com
Skype: toan93.hust@gmail.com