A wrapper for deploying a Node-RED based Battlesnake into Railway.
- Node-RED accessible on HTTPS
- Password Authentication (Set username & password in environment variables)
- Persistent PostgreSQL database for flows, settings and more
- Click Deploy on Railway
- Wait for Build & Deployment to Finish
- Refresh the Web Server x2 (See notes below)
- Login with credentials (Username: battle & Password: snake)
- Railway server currently requires 2x refreshes to successfully seed the database due to a 🐛 (PRs for fixes welcome 🙏)
The code used in this repository is based on incredible work from developers in the Node-RED Community and beyond including:
- IBM - https://github.com/IBM/node-red-app
- Atsushi Kojo - https://github.com/joeartsea/node-red-heroku
- Sam Machin - https://github.com/sammachin/node-red-heroku
- @mkaleung - https://github.com/mkaleung/BattleSnake
- @hatben - https://github.com/hatben/todd