NimbleMiner: a software that allows users to interact with word embedding to rapidly create lexicons of similar terms, conduct weakly supervised labeling, and implement text mining
- nfultzLos Angeles, CA
- RisyandiJatinangor, Indonesia
- atgjackUSA
- heukirnePorto Alegre / Brazil
- scossinFrance
- cc4351
- ludmilamurga
- oude-gaoNew York
- pabd906Maryland
- yaaqovCharlotte, NC, USA
- vivicenisilvaThe Netherlands
- cryptogun1
- paritoshkSan Francisco
- alaabashayrehIowa
- oneonleePohang, South Korea
- alexhamiltonRN
- safarli
- dr00bPennsylvania
- ColeGC
- seadoubleyoujaySan Antonio