
Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

Adventure Quest!

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I started getting bored during COVID-19, so I thought I would create an old school text based adventure to tide myself over.

Planned Features:

  • Full Text menu (Gee wiz!)

  • Inventory system. (Woah!)

  • Name your character. (For real? Too cool!)

  • Save files. (You mean I can stop playing any time and come back where I left off? NO WAY!)

Building / Installing


  • CMake >= 3.10
  • ncursesw >= 6.1.12


The project is CMake based, so building should be pretty straight forward

git clone URL adventure_quest
mkdir -p adventure_quest/build
cd adventure_quest/build && cmake ..

Once the project is built just run ./quest in the build directory to try it out.