
Simplest possible example of deploying: https://github.com/leafo/heroku-openresty

Hello world with Openresty - Heroku

Not much to see here, I was new to heroku and installed Openresty in 10 minutes thanks to : https://github.com/leafo/heroku-openresty


clone this repo normally :

$ git clone https://github.com/mtourne/heroku-openresty-helloworld.git

eventually, rename it :

$ mv heroku-openresty-helloworld my_cool_project
$ cd my_cool_project

if you're a first time heroku user like me : (you'll find heroku-toolbelt command line here: https://toolbelt.heroku.com/)

$ heroku login

create your new heroku app

$ heroku create --buildpack http://github.com/leafo/heroku-buildpack-lua.git

the output will look like this (you can always rename this later)

Creating gentle-taiga-4242... done, region is us
http://gentle-taiga-4242.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:gentle-taiga-4242.git

let's add a new git remote in order to deploy to your new heroku instance:

$ git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:gentle-taiga-4242.git

now, whatever you push to the heroku remote will get deployed :

$ git push heroku master

it should say a bunch of things, but most importantly :

-----> Launching... done, v6
       http://gentle-taiga-4242.herokuapp.com deployed to Heroku

you can now run your web app :

$ heroku scale web=1

You should know be able to go to your herokuapp page, and see your request with :

$ heroku logs -t

Happy hacking!