
Earth Observation made easy.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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An Earth Observation Platform

Earth Observation made easy.

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eoplatform is a Python package that aims to simplify Remote Sensing Earth Observation by providing actionable information on a wide swath of RS platforms and provide a simple API for downloading and visualizing RS imagery. Made for scientists, educators, and hobbiests alike.

  • Easy access to information on RS platforms
  • metadata module for extracting platform metadata
    • supports .txt and .xml files
  • composites modules for creating and learning about 91 RS band composites

Coming soon:

  • Data downloading
    • Landsat 8
    • Sentinel-2
  • Raster tools
    • Raster IO functions


eoplatform can be installed by running pip install eoplatform. It requires Python 3.8 or above to run.

eoplatform development is ongoing -

upgrade to the latest version by running: pip install eoplatform -U

Install the latest dev version with: pip install git+https://github.com/mtralka/EOPlatform/eoplatform


eoplatform is accessible through the command line (CLI) and as a module import.

Querying information

...through CLI

NAME is any supported composite or platform (case-insensitive)

Usage: eoplatform info [OPTIONS] NAME

  NAME  [required]

  -b, --only-bands
   / -nd, --no-description  [default: True]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Show all information on landsat8

eoplatform info landsat8

EOPlatform Landsat8 info example

Show only landsat8 bands

eoplatform info landsat8 -b

Show information on composite NDVI

eoplatform info ndvi

EOPlatform NDVI info example

...through imports

You can search through the eoplatform module

import eoplatform as eop

eop.info("Landsat8")  # case insensitive

Or import your exact platform/composite

from eoplatform.platforms import landsat8
from eoplatform.composites import NDVI

landsat8.info()  # OR print(landsat8)
NDVI.info()  # or print(NDVI)

Band composites

Importable through eoplatforms.composites or searchable (shown above) from eoplatform.info()

See implemented composite data dir for the exact implemented composites (inspired by awesome spectral indices)

Composite information

from eoplatform.composites import NDVI  # DVI, etc


Creating composite

Composites bands must be passed in as keyword arguments assigned to NumPy arrays.

from eoplatform.composites import NDVI

red_array: np.ndarray = ...
nir_array: np.ndarray = ...

ndvi: np.ndarray = NDVI.create(NIR=nir_array, RED=red_array)

Metadata extraction

Currently supports .txt and .xml files through extract_XML_metadata and extract_TXT_metadata. extract_metadata control function detects filetype and implements the required metadata extractor.

from eoplatform.metadata import extract_XML_metadata

file_path: str = ...
target_attributes: List[str] = ...

values: Dict[str, str] = extract_XML_metadata(file_path, target_attributes)

or detect filetype based on file_path file extension

from eoplatform.metadata import extract_metadata

file_path: str = "....xml"
target_attributes: List[str] = ...

values: Dict[str, str] = extract_metadata(file_path, target_attributes) # detects .xml and return `extract_XML_metadata`

Adding platforms / composites

Platforms and composites are auto-generated from /data/(composites,platforms). To add platforms or composites, simply create a new json file in the desired directory.


Platforms must have:

abbreviation: str
name: str

Example platform JSON

Standard key with value:

"abbreviation": "L8",

Key with value and metadata:

"altitude": {
    "meta": {
      "unit": "km"
    "value": 705

Bands standard for Platform key bands

Platform key for bands must be a list of following the band standard. EX:

"bands": [
      "abbreviation": "CAER",
      "name": "Coastal Aerosol",
      "number": 1,
      "resolution": "30",
      "sensor": "OLI",
      "wavelength": "0.433-0.453"

Band standard for el in bands

Each element to bands is a band. Each band must have:

number: int
name: str
abbreviation: str


Composites must have:

abbreviation: str
formula: str
name: str
reference: str
type: str  # matching CompositeType
bands: List[str]

Example JSON Composite

  "abbreviation": "ARI",
  "bands": [
  "description": "",
  "formula": "(1 / GREEN) - (1 / VRE1)",
  "name": "Anthocyanin Reflectance Index",
  "reference": "https://doi.org/10.1562/0031-8655(2001)074%3C0038:OPANEO%3E2.0.CO;2",
  "type": "vegetation"

Composite Types

Possible values for composite type key

  • BURN
  • SNOW
  • NONE

For both platforms and composites, all other attributes will be dynamically rendered and shown in info


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

  • download support


Contributions are welcome. Currently, eoplatform is undergoing rapid development and contribution opportunities may be scarce.

  • If you have suggestions for adding or removing features, feel free to open an issue to discuss it, or directly create a pull request with the proposed changes.
  • Create individual PR for each suggestion.
  • Use pre-commit hooks - pre-commit install
  • Code style is black, mypy --strict


Distributed under the GNU GPL-3.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.

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