
A collection of resources to get into AI Safety.


A collection of resources to get into AI Safety.

Getting Started


Superintelligence(2014) by Nick Bostrom

Life 3.0(2017) by Max Tegmark


The wait but why series on the AI Revolution

Youtube Channels

Robert Miles hilarious and insightful channel about AI Safety

Learn Technical Skills

AI Safety Study Group

Road to AI Safety Excellence

Paris AI Safety Study Group

Learn Reinforcement learning

Jupyter notebooks of RL material

Reinforcement learning environments from deepmind

Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Algorithms for Inverse RL (Andrew Ng, 2000)


Corrigibility (Soares, Fallenstein, Yudkowsky & Armstrong)

The Off-Switch game

Further Reading


Machine Intelligence Research Institute

Future of Humanity Institute

Future of Life

Collection of collection of resources

How to get into AI Safety in 80,000 hours

Great syllabus from a researcher at Deepmind working on AI Safety

Effective Altruism AI Safety Literature


Alignment Newsletter