
Utilities for monitoring and visualizing data transfer rates of a mobile router

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Data transfer monitor

This is a simple utility for querying data transfer of a mobile router and plotting the transfer rates in a browser.


  1. Change to directory src
  2. Start script ./get-data.sh
  3. Open src/index.html in browser

Getting the data

The script get-data.sh uses the netgear-m1.sh utility to query the amount of data transferred by the mobile router every ten seconds.

The script appends the data with timestamps to a file in a format that is executable JavaScript code:

const d = []
d.push([new Date('2020-11-07T21:10:40'), 149306227908])
d.push([new Date('2020-11-07T21:10:50'), 149314387262])
d.push([new Date('2020-11-07T21:11:09'), 149326465165])

Visualizing the data

The data is visualized on a HTML page by using Google Charts

example chart