
Miro day counter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Miro Day Counter

Day Counter allows you to add an automatically updating day counter to stickers on a Miro board.

It is a web-plugin that adds a new Day Counter tool to the apps of the toolbar:

day counter in the toolbar

The plugin can add an automatically updating day counter to stickers:

using the tool


How to use Day Counter

  1. Install the Day Counter plugin from the Miro marketplace
  2. Find the Day Counter tool on the apps menu (three dots icon) of a Miro board. A dialog opens at the left side of the screen.
  3. Select one or multiple stickers on the board
  4. Enter a start date for the counter.
  5. Optionally add text to show before or after the counter.
  6. Click "Insert day counter to selected stickers".

Key features

  • Count days passed since chosen date.
  • Show optional message on sticker before or after the counter.
  • Select and edit multiple stickers having a day counter.

Developing the plugin

Authorization link

The following link is used to ask the user to authorize the plugin to have scopes board:read and board:write:



You can build the plugin with these steps:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. nvm use
  3. yarn install
  4. yarn build

The app files will be copied to dist/


  • dompurify is used to sanitize user inputs
  • prettier is used to formatting the source code


Here are some resources that were used while developing this web-plugin: