
cypress tips and tricks i've found

Primary LanguageJavaScript


cypress tips and tricks i've found

Tip 1: Switching "Tabs" / Switching between windows

Cypress Tab Helper Commands Reference

See tab-helpers.js. Just add it to your support/commands.js file They're really popup-windows or child-windows, but i call them tabs for api brevity

  • cy.openTab(url, opts)
  • cy.tabVisit(url, window_name)
  • cy.switchToTab(tab_name)
  • cy.closeTab(index_or_name) - pass nothing to close active tab
  • cy.closeAllTabs()
  • cy.visit added support for options.tab_name (defaults to root)
  • debugTabHelper


If you're like me, when you first started using Cypress you fell in love immedately but then were annoyed by some of their opinionated descisions. For example: not supporting switching between "tabs" or pop-up windows. Luckily, vp of eng of Cypress, @bahmutov posted on his peronal Blog and Github repo about frame-busting and "Cypress using child window":

Here is how i've expanded upon that original concept with some convience helpers to keep my tests readable when testing multiple windows:

Note: this only works if you're within the same "baseDomain":


  • base.domain/pageA
  • sub.base.domain/pageB


  • some.otherdomain/pageC