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JS | FlappyBirds


The famous FlappyBird is a game developed by Vietnamese video game artist and programmer Dong Nguyen, under his game development company dotGEARS.

The objective is to direct a flying bird, named "Faby", who moves continuously to the right, between sets of pipes. If the player touches the pipes, they lose. Faby briefly flaps upward each time that the player clicks on the spacebar; if the screen is not tapped, Faby falls because of gravity.

If you want to understand better the game, go ahead and play a bit here


  • Fork this repo
  • Clone this repo into your ~/code/labs
  • The images are also included in the repository

First iteration: Let's create our board

You notice we have a div with game-board id in our HTML file, so you need to create the canvas element inside it from our javascript file.

After adding the canvas, you should add the background. In the images folder, you will find the file you should use for it.

:::info :wink: Check the Learning Unit to remember how to do an infinite loop with an image! :::

Second Iteration: Create our Player

We have the canvas with our beautiful background. Now we need to add ´Faby´.

Remember he should have the following properties:

  • width
  • height
  • speedX
  • speedY
  • gravity
  • gravitySpeed

And the functions update and newPos to keep updating its position in every update.

We should also check the user iteration when he clicks the spacebar. Every time the spacebar is clicked, the gravity of 'Faby' should change to negative, and after the user removes the clicking finger, set the gravity to positive again.

Third Iteration: Creating the obstacles

You need to add some obstacles to make this fun. If you notice every time we create obstacles we should create two of them and position one at the top, and the other at the bottom, and of course make a gap between them where 'Faby' could pass.

It might be a good idea to create an array to store all our obstacles. This will help us later to move them, and check if 'Faby' crash with one of them.

For now, just push them into the array.

Fourth Iteration: Updating our Canvas

This is the most important function in our project. The update function should do the following:

  • Clear the canvas
  • Update obstacles position
  • Update our player position
  • Create new obstacles

:::info For creating new obstacles, we recommend to do it every certain amount of updates. You should consider adding a counter to see how many time we update our canvas. :::

Fifth Iteration: Checking crashes

When 'Faby' crash to one of the obstacles, or goes out of the canvas the game should stop.

In this iteration, you need to create a function that checks if 'Faby' have not crush to any obstacle. For that purpose you can use the array of obstacles we had to create, iterating over it and checking the position.

BONUS: Adding points

If we want to challenge somebody, we need to know who makes more points. Go ahead and add it to the game.

Oh! And when you lose, show how much they get!

💡 You can use the counter we add to the update function!