
Partroxis maze assistance for the Aardwolf mud


Galaban's Partroxis Plugin

This plugin provides "guides" through the Partroxis maze. When you enter a room in the maze, the guide will provide the correct direction. If multiple directions exist, the guide will show you the two possibilities. If you choose wrong, the next time you enter the room, that exit will not be shown.

There is also a speedwalk function that will return you to the last correct room in the maze: "partroxis return"

BY DEFAULT, these guides are not enabled. You will not receive any help. Re-enter the area or use "partroxis guide" to turn the guides on.

Commands available:

  • partroxis help -- this help screen
  • partroxis guide -- Enable/Disable the maze guides
  • partroxis return -- return to the last explored room in the maze
  • partroxis reset -- reset the internal cache
  • partroxis off -- A blank "off" button

To install

  1. Download the raw file from github: https://raw.github.com/galaban/partroxis/master/Galabans_Partroxis_Plugin.xml
  2. Place the raw file into your "plugins" directory. This is fund in your Mushclient folder under /worlds/plugins.
  3. Install the plugain in MushClient. From the "File" menu, choose "plugins", then "Add". Select the file and choose "OK".