
Linguistic nuances inexpressible outside it's original language...

你好, digital citizen! Welcome to Cyberspace.

I'm a software developer and infrastructure engineer, I like my philosophy UNIX Emacs Emacs (with EVIL) and my programming Functional.

My Online Presence

My Blog My Linkedin profile My SE profile

My toolbox

type Language = Coq | FSharp | Haskell | Nix | Python | Rust | Shell | SQL
type Tooling = Docker | Git | Kafka | Make
type Infra = Kubernetes | Linux | Nomad | Terraform
type CloudProvider = AWS | Azure | GCP | OnPremise

type Experience =
  { Languages: Language list
    Tooling: Tooling list
    Infrastructure: Infra list
    CloudProviders: CloudProvider list }

let workedWith =
  { Languages = [ FSharp; Nix; Python; Shell; SQL ]
    Tooling = [ Docker; Git; Kafka; Make ]
    Infra = [ Kubernetes; Linux; Terraform ]
    CloudProviders = [ AWS; Azure ] }
Btw, I use NixOS!