
Tesla DashCam & Music USB drive maker tool

Primary LanguageShell

Tesla DashCam & Music USB drive maker tool

  • Format USB drive into 2 partitions for DashCam and Music
  • For macOS only


  • Support 3 modes: cam only, music only, and both cam & music
  • Create TeslaCam folder if applicable
  • Fool-proof: validate all user inputs. Verify if the specified drive as USB drive.
  • Support partitioning scheme MBR or GPT
    • Partition type = FAT32 if choosing MBR
    • Partition type = exFAT if choosing GPT

How to use

Method 1 - Recommended

Double-click on the tesla-usb-drive.command and follow instructions.

Method 2

Use the script with parameters. This is good for automation/making multiple drives.

Syntax: tesla-usb-drive.command USB_DISK_IDENTIFIER Cam_Partition_Size Partitioning_Scheme

  • Cam_Partition_Size: percentage (ex: 50%) or storage size value (ex: 16g)
    • To create cam partition only, use '100%'.
    • To create music partition only, use '0%' or '0'.
    • To create both, use 1%-99% or an in-betweeen storage size value
  • Partitioning_Scheme: MBR or GPT. Optional. Default is MBR.

Example: tesla-usb-drive.command disk3 16g MBR


  • Requires that you have admin privilege
  • Will wipe out all data on your USB drive
  • It creates cam partition first using the above size param then music partition using remaining storage space.
  • If you download the script as text file, you need to make this script executable using below command in Terminal: chmod +x tesla-usb-drive.command
  • macOS diskutil will add 200MB EFI partition if you choose GPT partitioning scheme for >= 4GB drive.