
My config files (.screenrc, .bashrc, .vimrc, etc.)

Primary LanguageVim Script


Creating source files

Any file which matches the shell glob _* will be linked into $HOME as a symlink with the first _ replaced with a .

For example:




Installing source files

It's as simple as running:


From this top-level directory.

Mac Requirements

  • XCode command line tools
  • homebrew
  • install rvm (see setting up ruby on mavericks link)
  • rvm install 1.9.3
  • rvm --default use 1.9.3
  • brew install vim
  • brew install ctags
  • p4merge
  • zsh
  • oh-my-zsh
  • powerline fonts
  • tmux
  • brew install reattach-to-user-namespace for tmux
  • brew install ack
  • brew install git


Setting up ruby on mavericks