
Technion's IoT course final project

Primary LanguageC

Mirrored Object - Twin cubes that each display the other's state.

Project by: Marina Yanovskiy, Dvir Elkabetz & Moshe Sherman.

In this project, we have built two smart cubes. Each of them can be placed in four different orientation to indicate state and display the other's state.

Folder Structure of the Repository

├── docs - documentation and instructions.
├── PARAMETERS.md - hard coded parameters of the project.
├── README.md - this file.
├── src
│   ├── app - source code for react native application.
│   │   ├── assets - all the images for the application.
│   │   ├── components - custom react native components.
│   └── hardware
│       ├── final
│       │   ├── cube_a - code for cube a (final submission).
│       │   └── cube_b - code for cube b (final submission).
│       └── poc - code for PoC (old code).
└── unittests
    ├── hardware - hardware unit tests.
    └── software - software unit tests.

Libraries used for ESP32 and their versions

Hardware used

  • 2 $\times$ ESP32
  • 2 $\times$ MPU6050
  • 2 $\times$ SD1306
  • 2 $\times$ KY016

Connection Diagmram

Connection Diagram


Mirrored object GROUP 9 - IOT poster