In this project, we have built two smart cubes. Each of them can be placed in four different orientation to indicate state and display the other's state.
├── docs - documentation and instructions.
├── - hard coded parameters of the project.
├── - this file.
├── src
│ ├── app - source code for react native application.
│ │ ├── assets - all the images for the application.
│ │ ├── components - custom react native components.
│ └── hardware
│ ├── final
│ │ ├── cube_a - code for cube a (final submission).
│ │ └── cube_b - code for cube b (final submission).
│ └── poc - code for PoC (old code).
└── unittests
├── hardware - hardware unit tests.
└── software - software unit tests.
- Firebase ESP Client - 4.4.14
- FirebaseJson - 3.0.7
- WifiManger - 2.0.17
- NTPClient - 3.2.1
- Adafruit MPU6050 - 2.2.6
- Adafruit SSD1306 - 2.5.9
- Adafruit Sensor - 1.1.14
- Adafruit GFX - 1.11.9
- 2
$\times$ ESP32 - 2
$\times$ MPU6050 - 2
$\times$ SD1306 - 2
$\times$ KY016