
:notebook: Homework 2 of Computer Music Languages and Systems course

Primary LanguageC++

CMLS HW2 - Flanger Effect


  • May 21st: groups are expected to upload on Beep a detailed report on the project (max 8 pages) on a prescribed Beep folder, to be communicated shortly. The reports will be made available to the other students for the evaluation. Due to the GDPR regulation, please do not include in the report the names of the group components, but only the personal codes. You can also choose a name of your preference for the group, which is for now only a number (1...18).

    Important note: based on the report, the students evaluating the projects will have to assess: a) the originality of the proposed solution and b) the quality of the implementation, for a total of 8/3 (2.66) points.

  • May 27th: public presentation of the assignments during the usual class time, using a PPT presentation. Due to the limited time, all presentations are expected must last no more than 5 minutes.

    Important note: based on the presentation, students evaluating the projects will have to assess the clarity and quality of the presentation for a total of 4/3 (1.33) points.