
Pivotal Tracker template for AppTx application replatform


Pivotal Tracker Project templates for AppTx replatform and modernization.

The templates in this repo can be used to create a tracker project with a common set of user stories with well-defined acceptance criteria for the AppTx replatform and modernization efforts and, helps to reduce time/effort to create trackers during customer engagements.

The template file is imported into the Pivotal Tracker to create a project for each application replatform or modernization effort in an AppTx engagement.


Prashanth Belathur - pbelathur@pivotal.io

Replatform tracker templates

Modernization tracker templates


  • The <acme> placeholder in the template file should be replaced with the actual application name before importing the template into the Pivotal Tracker to create a new Tracker project.
  • The number in the User Story title indicates the order/sequence of stories in a project.


Rohit Kelapure