This is a Rust implementation of the Ray Tracing in a Weekend book series by Peter Shirley. The original book series is written in C++.
The goal of this project is to demonstrate how to write idiomatic Rust code, Rust's memory management, framework, tools, how to work with parallelism in Rust, futures, and async/await.
People with C++ background will find this project useful to learn Rust as they can compare the C++ code from the book series with the Rust code.
There are probably a plethora of attempts to implement this book series in Rust available on the internet, but I wanted to do it myself from scratch to avoid being spoiled by other implementations.
In the code you will find comments that explain some of the Rust concepts
that I have found interesting to pay attention to. All of them are marked
with the // LEARN
Some parts of the code are intentionally done in not the most simple way, as the goal is to demonstrate different ways of doing things in Rust.
It takes a while to render the image at a high resolution, even to play with positionable camera to have a meaningful image it takes a lot of time. So the next steps would be to implement parallel execution of the ray tracer to use all available CPU cores to speed up the rendering process.
I wish I would check the website of the book before I tried it. Because I used some buggy PDF version of it I found over the internet =)