- references
- ngram
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-ngram-tokenizer.html
- https://qbox.io/blog/an-introduction-to-ngrams-in-elasticsearch
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-edgengram-tokenizer.html
- https://medium.com/@ashishstiwari/what-should-be-the-value-of-max-gram-and-min-gram-in-elasticsearch-f091404c9a14
- https://kb.objectrocket.com/elasticsearch/how-to-implement-autocomplete-with-edge-n-grams-in-elasticsearch
- shingles
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-as-you-type.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-shingle-tokenfilter.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/index-phrases.html
- https://www.elastic.co/blog/searching-with-shingles
- stemming
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/stemming.html#stemming
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-stemmer-tokenfilter.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-porterstem-tokenfilter.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-snowball-tokenfilter.html
- fuzzy
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-fuzzy-query.html
- https://www.elastic.co/blog/found-fuzzy-search
- https://kb.objectrocket.com/elasticsearch/how-to-use-fuzzy-query-matches-in-elasticsearch
- https://dev.to/hernamvel/understanding-and-tuning-fuzzy-queries-in-elasticsearch-by-example-1ci3
- https://medium.com/@neelambuj2/an-approach-to-highly-intuitive-fuzzy-search-in-elasticsearch-with-typo-handling-exact-matches-a79a795d36f8
- https://blog.mimacom.com/autocomplete-elasticsearch-part1/
- suggester
- https://medium.com/@taranjeet/elasticsearch-using-completion-suggester-to-build-autocomplete-e9c120cf6d87
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-suggesters.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-suggesters.html#completion-suggester
- ngram
- goals of this workshop
- introduction to typos and suggestions handling in elasticsearch
- introduction to basic constructs boosting search
- ngram and edge ngram (typos, prefixes)
- shingles (phrase)
- stemmers (operating on roots rather than words)
- fuzzy queries (typos)
- suggesters
- in docker-compose there is elasticsearch + kibana (7.6) prepared for local testing
- cd docker/compose
- docker-compose up -d
are in workshop directory
- searching natural language is inherently imprecise - computers can't comprehend natural language
- they need heuristic, an algorithmic equivalent of true linguistic comprehension
- Lucene is composed of many text processing tools
- example: prefix query
- simply matches the beginning letters of words
- example: fuzzy queries
- find words that need at most a certain number of 'edits', to match the query
- example: snowball stemmer and the metaphone phonetic analyzer
- mimic grammatical and phonetic aspects of language
- example: autocomplete functionality (other names: search as you type, type-ahead search)
- example: prefix query
- splitting a token into multiple subtokens
- sliding window that moves across the word - continuous sequence of characters of the specified length
- example
- token:
- 1-grams:
- bigrams:
- trigrams:
- token:
- how it could boost searching of incorrectly spelled word
- search: "pilar"
- bigrams for "pillar":
- bigrams for "pilar":
- 4/5 match comparing to correctly spelled word
- drawback: more words than intended will match the original
- use-case
- analyze text when the language is not known
- handle multiple languages with a single analyzer
- analyze text when the language combines words in different manner than other European languages
- japanese: no spaces between words
- german: long compound words
- no user will search for "Database" using the "ase" chunk of characters
- for many applications, only ngrams that start at the beginning of words are needed
- that’s where edge n-grams come into play
- edge n-grams = consecutive prefixes
- example
- token:
- edge n-grams:
- token:
- helpful for searching words with prefix
- vs prefix query: prefix query is much more time consuming
- but indexing edge ngrams is longer (and indexes are bigger - contain prefixes)
- index vs search analyzer
- standard approach: same analyzer at index time and at search time
- different advice for edge ngrams
- index time: save all prefixes
- search time: search for the terms that user typed in
- good practice to set upper limit
- for example if search for text with
length > 8
- full text search instead of terms
- for example if search for text with
- prepare index with edge-ngram analyzer
PUT /index-name { "settings": { "analysis": { "filter": { "autocomplete_filter": { // filter that will split tokens into edge ngrams "type": "edge_ngram", "min_gram": 2, // smallest ngrams to generate, default: 1 "max_gram": 5 // largest ngrams to generate, default: 2 } }, "analyzer": { "autocomplete_analyzer": { // custom analyzer: standard + autocomplete "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "standard", "filter": [ "lowercase", "stop", "autocomplete_filter"] } } } }, "mappings": { "properties": { "description": { // field name with autocomplete feature "type": "text", // normal mapping "fields" : { // multi-field mapping "autocomplete": { // mapping responsible for autocomplete feature "type": "text", "analyzer": "autocomplete_analyzer", "search_analyzer": "standard" // override - by default, queries use the analyzer defined above }, "english": { // other mappings for the same field "type": "text", "analyzer": "english" } } } } } }
- querying for autocomplete
GET /index-type/_search { "query": { "bool": { "should": { // filter, must "match": { "description.autocomplete": "search for descr" } } } } }
- ngrams at the token level instead of the character level
- example
- token: "please divide this sentence into shingles"
- shingles bigrams:
please divide
,divide this
,this sentence
,sentence into
, andinto shingles
- rare phrase matches will have a bigger score boost than more common phrases
- downside: larger indices
- pre-bake phrase matching
- build phrases into the index
- avoid creating phrases at query time and save some processing time/speed
- pre-bake phrase matching
option on a text field- two-term word combinations (shingles) are indexed into a separate field
- allows exact phrase queries (no slop) to run more efficiently, at the expense of a larger index
- slop = how far we allow the terms to be
- field type
- creates the following fields
- if an analyzer is not configured, the default analyzer for the index is used
- wraps the analyzer of
with a shingle token filter of shingle size 2
- wraps the analyzer of
- wraps the analyzer of
with a shingle token filter of shingle size 3
- wraps the analyzer of
- wraps the analyzer of
with an edge ngram token filter
- wraps the analyzer of
- params
- min_shingle_size
- max_shingle_size
- creates the following fields
- most efficient way to serve a search-as-you-type is
query of typebool_prefix
- constructs a bool query from the terms- each term except the last is used in a term query
- last term is used in a prefix query
- example:
please divide this sen
- is parsed into terms:
- each term except last is used in exact match
- last term is used as prefix query:
- is parsed into terms:
- prepare index with shingles
PUT /index-type { "mappings": { "properties": { "description": { "type": "search_as_you_type"} ... } } }
- querying
GET /index-type/_search { "query": { "multi_match": { "query": "...", "type": "bool_prefix", "fields": [ "description._2gram", "description._3gram" ] } } }
- process of reducing a word to its root form
- root form may not be a real word
- extremely handy when searching
- match words sharing the root
- make your searches more flexible than rigid exact matching
- example
- word: "administrations"
- root: "administr"
- match: "administrator", "administration", "administrate"
- categories
- algorithmic stemmers
- based on a set of rules
- example - remove the
from the end of plural words - advantages
- little setup
- little memory
- typically faster than dictionary stemmers
- disadvantages
- problem with irregular words
- be, are, and am
- mouse and mice
- foot and feet
- problem with irregular words
- types
- porter stemming algorithm, several languageskstem
- algorithmic stemming + built-in dictionaryporter_stem
- porter stemming algorithm, recommended for Englishsnowball
- Snowball-based stemming rules, several languages- differences in how aggressive they stem
- more aggressive = chop off more
- dictionary stemmers
- stem words by looking in a dictionary
- advantages
- more accurate
- irregular words
- distinguishes similar (in context of spelling) words but not related conceptually
- example: organ and organization, broker and broken
- disadvantages
- stemmer is only as good as its dictionary
- must include a significant number of words, be updated regularly, change with language trends
- use a significant amount of RAM
- can slow the stemming process significantly
- stemmer is only as good as its dictionary
- types
- algorithmic stemmers
- some typos cannot be solved with n-grams
- Levenshtein distance between two words
- minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other
- Damerau-Levenshtein distance = Levenshtein + transposition
- changing a character (box -> fox)
- removing a character (black -> lack)
- inserting a character (sic -> sick)
- transposing two adjacent characters (act -> cat)
- Levenshtein vs Damerau-Levenshtein
- compare 'aex' and 'axe'
- Levenshtein distance: two edits away
- 'aex' is as far from 'axe' as 'faxes'
- Damerau-Levenshtein: one edit away
- makes greater intuitive sense in most cases
- fuzzy query
GET index-search/_search { "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "prefix": { "field-name": "..." } }, { "fuzzy": { "field-name": { "value": "...", "fuzziness": 2 } } } ] } } }
- returns documents that contain terms similar (LD distance) to the search term
- creates a set of all possible variations of the search term within a specified edit distance
- does not analyze the query text first
- exact matches for each expansion
- parameters worth mentioning
- fuzziness - maximum edit distance allowed for matching
- max_expansions - maximum number of variations created, defaults: 50
- prefix_length - number of beginning characters left unchanged when creating expansions, defaults: 0
- often combined with prefix search
- stemming context
- snowball analyzer
- fuzzy search for 'running', will be stemmed to 'run'
- misspelled 'runninga' stems to 'runninga'
- 'running' will not match the 'runninga'
- 'run' is more than 2 edits away from 'runninga'
- can cause a bit of confusion
- use the simple analyzer with fuzzy queries
- disable synonyms as well
- suggests documents containing similar looking terms
- still under development
- types
- term-suggester
- suggests terms based on edit distance
- completion-suggester
- provides auto-complete/search-as-you-type functionality
- not meant for spell correction or did-you-mean functionality
- uses data structures that enable fast lookups, but are costly to build and are stored in-memory
- supports fuzzy queries
- term-suggester
- define index
PUT index-name { "mappings": { "properties": { "search_associations": { "type": "completion" }, ... } } }
- index document
POST index-name/_doc { "search_associations": [ ... ], }
- query
POST index-name/_search { "suggest": { "suggest-name": { "prefix": "...", "completion": { "field": "search_associations" } } } }