Build Status



Enum Constant Description Example
SOURCE Annotations are to be discarded by the compiler. @Override, @SuppressWarnings
CLASS Annotations are to be recorded in the class file by the compiler but need not be retained by the VM at run time. lombok @NonNull
RUNTIME Annotations are to be recorded in the class file by the compiler and retained by the VM at run time, so they may be read reflectively. @Deprecated, @Target, @FunctionalInterface

project description

We will provide examples with tests for each row of the table above.

  1. SourcePolicy
    • java code
      class SourcePolicy {
    • compiled code
      class SourcePolicy {
          SourcePolicy() {
    • tests
      assertThat(SourcePolicy.class.getAnnotations(), arrayWithSize(0));
  2. ClassPolicy
    • java code
      class ClassPolicy {
          String nonNullField;
    • compiled code
      class ClassPolicy {
          String nonNullField;
          ClassPolicy() {
    • tests
      assertThat(ClassPolicy.class.getAnnotations(), arrayWithSize(0));
  3. RuntimePolicy
    • java code
      class RuntimePolicy {
    • compiled code
      class RuntimePolicy {
          RuntimePolicy() {
    • tests
      assertThat(RuntimePolicy.class.getAnnotations(), arrayWithSize(1));
      assertEquals(Deprecated.class, RuntimePolicy.class.getAnnotations()[0].annotationType());