
Overview of vavr Try API.

Primary LanguageJava

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Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/vavr-try
Reference: https://www.vavr.io/vavr-docs/#_try
Reference: https://static.javadoc.io/io.vavr/vavr/0.9.2/io/vavr/control/Try.html
Reference: https://dzone.com/articles/why-try-better-exception-handling-in-java-with-try


Try is a monadic container type which represents a computation that may either result in an exception, or return a successfully computed value. Instances of Try, are either an instance of Success or Failure.

Easy example - parsing Integer from String (PrefaceExampleTest)

Try<Integer> parseInteger = Try.of(() -> Integer.valueOf("a"));

Try<Integer> parseInteger = Try.of(() -> Integer.valueOf("1"));

assertThat(parseInteger.get(), is(1));

project description

We provide description and tests for Try's methods.

Please refer my other github project: https://github.com/mtumilowicz/java11-vavr-option because we won't provide examples to the similar methods described in the project about Option.

static methods

  • Try<T> failure(Throwable exception) - Creates a Try.Failure that contains the given exception.
    IllegalArgumentException exception = new IllegalArgumentException();
    Try<IllegalArgumentException> failure = Try.failure(exception);
    assertTrue(failure instanceof Try.Failure);
    assertThat(failure.getCause(), is(exception));
  • Try<T> success(T value) - Creates a Try.Success that contains the given value.
    Try<Integer> success = Try.success(1);
    assertTrue(success instanceof Try.Success);
    assertThat(success.get(), is(1));
  • Try<T> narrow(Try<? extends T> t)
  • Try<T> of(CheckedFunction0<? extends T> supplier)
    • success
      Try<Integer> tryWithoutException = Try.of(() -> 1);
      assertThat(tryWithoutException.get(), is(1));
    • failure
      RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException();
      Try<RuntimeException> exceptionTry = Try.of(() -> {
          throw exception;
      assertThat(exceptionTry.getCause(), is(exception));
  • Try<T> ofCallable(Callable<? extends T> callable) - identical to of
  • Try<T> ofSupplier(Supplier<? extends T> supplier) - of without checked exceptions
  • Try<Void> run(CheckedRunnable runnable) - returns Success(null) if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable) if an exception occurs
  • Try<Void> runRunnable(Runnable runnable) - same as run but without checked exceptions
  • Try<Seq<T>> sequence(Iterable<? extends Try<? extends T>> values) - Reduces many Trys into a single Try by transforming an Iterable<Try<? extends T>> into a Try<Seq<T>>.
  • <T1 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources1<T1> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier)
    • java try-with-resources
      String fileName = "NonExistingFile.txt";
      String fileLines;
      try (var stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName))) {
          fileLines = stream.collect(joining(","));
    • vavr try-with-resources
      String fileName = "src/test/resources/lines.txt";
      Try<String> fileLines = Try.withResources(() -> Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName)))
                      .of(stream -> stream.collect(joining(",")));
      • success
        String fileName = "src/test/resources/lines.txt";
        Try<String> fileLines = Try.withResources(() -> Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName)))
                .of(stream -> stream.collect(joining(",")));
        assertThat(fileLines.get(), is("1,2,3"));
      • failure
        String fileName = "NonExistingFile.txt";
        Try<String> fileLines = Try.withResources(() -> Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName)))
                .of(stream -> stream.collect(joining(",")));

instance methods

  • Try<T> andFinally(Runnable runnable) - Provides try's finally behavior no matter what the result of the operation is.
    var invoked = new AtomicBoolean();
    Try.of(() -> 1).andFinally(() -> invoked.set(true));
    var invoked = new AtomicBoolean();
    Try.of(() -> {
        throw new RuntimeException();
    }).andFinally(() -> invoked.set(true));
    Try<Integer> vavrTry = Try.of(() -> 1).andFinally(() -> {
        throw new IllegalStateException();
    assertTrue(vavrTry.getCause() instanceof IllegalStateException);
  • Try<T> andFinallyTry(CheckedRunnable runnable)
  • Try<T> andThen(Consumer<? super T> consumer)
    • if this is a success - pass the value to consumer
    • if this is a failure - do nothing
    • if success and then exception in consumer - failure with new exception
    Try<Integer> vavrTry = Try.<Integer>of(() -> {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    }).andThen(() -> {
                throw new IllegalStateException();
    assertTrue(vavrTry.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
  • Try<T> andThenTry(CheckedConsumer<? super T> consumer)
  • Try<T> andThenTry(CheckedRunnable runnable)
  • Try<T> andThen(Runnable runnable)
  • Try<R> collect(PartialFunction<? super T,? extends R> partialFunction)
  • Try<Throwable> failed()
    • returns Success(throwable) if this is a Failure(throwable)
    • returns Failure(new NoSuchElementException("Success.failed()")) if this is a Success.
  • Try<T> filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate, CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends Throwable> errorProvider)
    • returns this if this is a Failure
    • returns this if this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate.
    • returns a new Failure (with a throwable provided by errorProvider), if this is a Success and the value does not satisfy the Predicate
    • returns a new Failure with exception that occurs testing the predicate.
    • success + failed predicate
      var runtimeException = new RuntimeException();
      Try<Integer> vavrTry = Try.of(() -> 1).filterTry(x -> x > 10, value -> runtimeException);
      assertThat(vavrTry.getCause(), is(runtimeException));
    • success + exception during testing predicate
      var nullPointerException = new NullPointerException();
      Try<Integer> vavrTry = Try.of(() -> 1)
              .filterTry(x -> {
                  throw nullPointerException;
              }, value -> new IllegalStateException());
      assertThat(vavrTry.getCause(), is(nullPointerException));
  • Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Function<? super T,? extends Throwable> errorProvider)
  • Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
  • Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Supplier<? extends Throwable> throwableSupplier)
  • Try<T> filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate)
  • Try<T> filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate, Supplier<? extends Throwable> throwableSupplier)
  • Try<U> flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
  • Try<U> flatMapTry(CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
  • T get() - Gets the result of this Try if this is a Success or throws (underlying cause of type Throwable) if this is a Failure.
    @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
    public void get_failure() {
        Try.of(() -> {throw new IllegalStateException();}).get();
  • Throwable getCause() - Gets the cause if this is a Failure or throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is a Success.
  • T getOrElseGet(Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> other) <X extends Throwable> T getOrElseThrow(Function<? super Throwable,X> exceptionProvider)
  • int hashCode()
  • boolean isEmpty() - true if this is a Failure, false if this is a Success.
  • boolean isFailure()
  • boolean isSuccess()
  • Try<U> map(Function<? super T,? extends U> mapper)
  • Try<T> mapFailure(API.Match.Case<? extends Throwable,? extends Throwable>... cases) - Maps the cause to a new exception if this is a Failure or returns this instance if this is a Success.
  • Try<U> mapTry(CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends U> mapper) - Runs the given checked function if this is a Success, passing the result of the current expression to it.
  • Try<T> onFailure(Consumer<? super Throwable> action) - Consumes the throwable if this is a Failure.
  • Try<T> onSuccess(Consumer<? super T> action) - Consumes the value if this is a Success.
  • Try<T> orElse(Supplier<? extends Try<? extends T>> supplier)
  • Try<T> orElse(Try<? extends T> other)
  • void orElseRun(Consumer<? super Throwable> action)
  • Try<T> peek(Consumer<? super T> action) - Applies the action to the value of a Success or does nothing in the case of a Failure.
  • <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recover(Class<X> exception, Function<? super X,? extends T> f)
    • returns this, if this is a Success
    • returnsthis, if this is a Failure and the cause is not assignable.
    • return new Success if this is a Failure and cause is assignable
    Try<Integer> recovered = Try.<Integer>of(() -> {
        throw new RuntimeException();
            .recover(RuntimeException.class, -1);
    assertThat(recovered, is(Try.of(() -> -1)));
    Try<Integer> recovered = Try.<Integer>of(() -> {
        throw new IllegalStateException();
            .recover(IllegalArgumentException.class, exception -> -1);
    assertTrue(recovered.getCause() instanceof IllegalStateException);
  • <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recover(Class<X> exception, T value)
  • Try<T> recover(Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> f)
  • <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recoverWith(Class<X> exception, Function<? super X,Try<? extends T>> f) - same as recover but recover function returns Try
  • <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recoverWith(Class<X> exception, Try<? extends T> recovered) Try<T> recoverWith(Function<? super Throwable,? extends Try<? extends T>> f)
  • Either<Throwable,T> toEither()
  • U transform(Function<? super Try<T>,? extends U> f)