
Example of command line application using scopt.

Primary LanguageScalaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Build Status License: GPL v3



  • goals of this workshop
    • introduction into command line applications using scopt
  • workshop
    • implement command to print random number that can be long or int and positive or negative
      • example: random --positive
    • run using docker run
      • example docker run scala-zio2-scopt-workshop sum -c1 2 -c2 3
      • remember to first docker:publishLocal


  • command line options parsing library
  • functional DSL
    • scaffold
      import scopt.OParser
      val builder = OParser.builder[Config]
      val parser1 = {
        import builder._
          head("scopt", "4.x"),
          // command or options,
          // validations
    • option
      • flag
            .action((_, c) => c.copy(verbose = true))
            .text("verbose is a flag")
      • typed option
            .action((x, c) => c.copy(foo = x))
            .text("foo is an integer property"),
      • preconfigured
        help("help") // prints usage text
        version("version") // prints header text
        note("...") // add given string to the usage text
        • by default, when the --help or --version are invoked, they call sys.exit(0) after printing the help or version information
      • arguments
        • similar to options, but accepts values without -- or -
        • example: "sum 2 3"
        • prefer options
        • example
              .action((_, _) => Command.Sum(0, 0))
              .text("sum(a, b) = a + b")
                  .action((value, command) => command.asInstanceOf[Sum].copy(component1 = value))
                  .text("constituent1 is an Int property"),
                  .action((value, command) => command.asInstanceOf[Sum].copy(component2 = value))
                  .text("constituent2 is an Int property"),
      • validation
        opt[Int]('f', "foo")
          .action( (x, c) => c.copy(intValue = x) )
          .validate( x =>
            if (x > 0) success
            else failure("Option --foo must be >0") )
          .validate( x => failure("Just because") )
    • command
      • used to express git branch kind of argument (name means something)
      • example
              .action((_, c) => c.copy(mode = "update"))
              .text("update is a command.")
                // options
    • validation
        c =>
          if (c.keepalive && c.xyz) failure("xyz cannot keep alive")
          else success)
  • parsing
    • basic
      OParser.parse(parser1, args, Config()) match {
        case Some(config) =>
          // do something
        case _ =>
          // arguments are bad, error message will have been displayed
      uses as a default
      abstract class DefaultOEffectSetup extends OEffectSetup {
        override def displayToOut(msg: String): Unit = {
        override def displayToErr(msg: String): Unit = {
        override def reportError(msg: String): Unit = {
          displayToErr("Error: " + msg)
        override def reportWarning(msg: String): Unit = {
          displayToErr("Warning: " + msg)
        override def terminate(exitState: Either[String, Unit]): Unit =
          exitState match {
            case Left(_)  => platform.exit(1)
            case Right(_) => platform.exit(0)
    • advanced
      • by default, scopt emits output when needed to stderr and stdout
      • if your application requires parsing arguments while not producing output directly, you may wish to intercept the side effects
      • example
        OParser.runParser(parser1, args, Config()) match {
          case (result, effects) =>
            OParser.runEffects(effects, new DefaultOEffectSetup {
                // override methods here
            result match {
              Some(config) =>
                // do something
              case _ =>
                // arguments are bad, error message will have been displayed
  • custom types
    • example
      object WeekDays extends Enumeration {
        type WeekDays = Value
        val Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun = Value
      implicit val weekDaysRead: scopt.Read[WeekDays.Value] =
        scopt.Read.reads(WeekDays withName _)
    • refined types
      implicit val nonZeroRead: scopt.Read[NonZeroInt] =
      private def unsafeParseInt(i: Int): NonZeroInt = refineV[NonZero](i)
        .fold(_ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + i + "' cannot be zero."), identity)