
Exploring basic features of com.typesafe:config.

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status


The main goal of this project is to explore basic features of com.typesafe:config.

Reference: https://github.com/lightbend/config#overview

project description

com.typesafe:config is a type-safe configuration library for JVM languages.
All we need to do to start using com.typesafe:config is:

  • add dependency
  • add application.conf to resources
  • get Config class
Config conf = ConfigFactory.load();

project content

  • test/resources/application.conf - file with most popular use-cases. It's written in HOCON.
  • test/java/ConfigTest - we test if all lines from application.conf file was loaded successfully.
  • test/java/Author - util class for mapping specific entry in application.conf directly to the JavaBean.
  • test/java/UserStatus - util class for mapping specific entry in application.conf directly to the Enum.

use cases

  • Assumptions:
    • Config conf = ConfigFactory.load();
    • application.conf has structure:
      predefined {
      conf {
  • Basic example
    conf {
        project_name = typesafe-config
    conf.getString("conf.project_name") // typesafe-config
  • Substitutions (way of eliminating copy-paste)
    predefined {
        version : 1.0-SNAPSHOT
    conf {
        project_version : ${predefined.version}
        artifact_version : ${predefined.version}
    conf.getString("conf.project_version") // 1.0-SNAPSHOT
    conf.getString("conf.artifact_version") // 1.0-SNAPSHOT
    Remember if there is no defined yyy then xxx : ${yyy} will cause
    ExceptionInInitializerError: Could not resolve substitution to a value: ${yyy}
  • Handling JSON objects
    author : {name : michal, surname : tumilowicz}
    ConfigObject author = conf.getObject("conf.author");
    Config asConfig = author.toConfig(); // treat it as a Config
    asConfig.getString("name"); // michal
    asConfig.getString("surname"); // tumilowicz
  • Mapping JSON to JavaBean
    If you have a Java object that follows JavaBean conventions (zero-args constructor, getters and setters), you can automatically initialize it from a Config.
    author : {name : michal, surname : tumilowicz}
    Author author = ConfigBeanFactory.create(conf.getObject("conf.author").toConfig(), Author.class);
    author.getName(); // michal
    author.getSurname(); // tumilowicz
  • Merging
    • Values on the same line are concatenated (for strings and arrays) or merged (for objects).
    • If you duplicate a field with an object value, then the objects are merged with last-one-wins.
    persistence : {specification: JPA, provider : Hibernate, cache : true}
    persistence : {provider : EclipseLink, cache : false, database : Oracle}
    is merged to:
    persistence : {specification: JPA, provider : EclipseLink, cache : false, database : Oracle}
  • Merging + substitution
    Merging is especially useful with substitutions.
    predefined {
        headquarters : {name : "mtumilowicz holding"}
    conf {
        branch_east : ${predefined.headquarters} {branch_name : east}
    is merged to:
    headquarters : {name : "mtumilowicz holding", branch_name : east}
  • Substitutions with default value
    predefined {
    conf {
        web_container : GlassFish
        web_container : ${?predefined.web_container}
    Here, the field web_container : ${?predefined.web_container} simply vanishes if there's no value for predefined.web_container. But if you set predefined.web_container - it would be used.
    conf.getString("conf.web_container") // GlassFish
    predefined {
        login: admin
    conf {
        login : ${?predefined.login}
    conf.getString("conf.login") // admin
  • Lists
    languages : [english, polish, french]
    conf.getStringList("conf.languages") // [english, polish, french]
  • Enums
    public enum UserStatus {
    conf.getEnumList(UserStatus.class, "conf.user_status") // [PENDING, ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DELETED]