
BitCoin perl implementation (OUTDATED)

Primary LanguagePerl

!!! use branch "broken", it's much more advanced !!!

BitCoin implemented in perl, meant to be portable.

    perl bitcoin.pl

It's in the development state, so everything can be changed.

- web interface
- data stored in sql via DBI (sqlite by default)
- blockchain download
- chain branches

- much more testing
- add web auth with roles
- add key management and money transfer
- full networking and multiple connections
- getwork rpc for miners
- fix serialize.pm for "32-bit perl"

Do what you want license

Bitcoin wire protocol
version (...)
	+ hello
getaddr ()
	+ get addresses of last 5 days
addr ({CAddress})
	+ new address announce 
getblocks (CBlockLocator, uint256)
	- asnwered with "inv"
getdata ({CInv})
	+ get blocks, answered with "block" and maybe last with "inv"
block (CBlock)
	+ requested block
tx (CTransaction)
	+ new tx announce
inv ({CInv})
	+ new hash of tx/block announce
checkorder (uint256, CWalletTx)
	- direct request for pubkey, answered with "reply"
submitorder (uint256, CWalletTx)
	- new?
reply (uint256 hashReply, int, ...)
	- reply
ping ()
	+ ping
subscribe (int, int)
	? only sent, never processed

see https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_specification