- DevTools Author - not currently using
- Alfred - not currently using
- Code Editor
- iTerm2 (Hyper is too laggy for me)
- iStat Menus - Inspired by my own experience in addition to Joseph Gentle's
- Bear - Notes
- Todoist - Easy task management
- Spotify - Music
- Toothfairy - Bluetooth Manager
- Spectacle - Shortcuts for Window Resizing
- Font: Current Font
I switch around, these are my current favorites:
- Test Link VsCode Synk
- Verify extensions included
- Themes:
- Font: Current Font
Download via Brew
brew install git bash-completion
# You'll then need to put the following in your ~/.bash_profile:
if [ -f `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash ]; then
. `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
Need to improve syncing but here it is for now:
bash_profile - general config
- Improve category linking
- Abstract App list (only want to update each article, not article and glossary)