
Frontend to manage instructor-learner communications

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

codecov license


Please tag edx-aperture on any PRs or issues. Thanks!


A tool used by course teams to communicate with thier learners. The interface for anything related to instructor to learner communications. Instructor bulk email, for example.

Getting started

For now, this repo is not intergrated with devstack. You'll be running the app locally and not through docker. This does make setup a little easier.

  1. Clone the repo into your usual workspace

    mkdir -p ~/workspace/
    cd ~/workspace/
    git clone https://github.com/edx/frontend-app-communications.git
  2. Install frontend dependencies

    npm i
  3. Start the devserver. The app will be running at localhost:1984, or whatever port you change it too.

    npm start

Environment Variables/Setup Notes

If you wish to add new environment varibles for local testing, they should be listed in 2 places:

  1. In .env.development
  2. Added to the mergeConfig found in src/index.jsx
   config: () => {
    EXAMPLE_VALUE: true,
    }, 'CommuncationsAppConfig');

Running Tests

Tests use jest and react-test-library. To run all the tests for this repo:

npm test