- Apology11
- benschmausPhiladelphia, PA
- bluecamelAustin, TX
- captbrogersThe Lucky Dev Shop LLC
- deanpetersOpinions & work here are my own.
- dsheelerUniversity of Chicago
- eli-oatMaine
- EnkerliMontreal, Qc
- ferdyPeople's Front Against WWW
- igorgue
- ippa
- jfrey-xxUllo
- jhcloos
- jmyddeLondon, United Kingdom
- jobez
- johnforesterBrooklyn, NY
- jrgryph
- kjaftDermalog Identification Systems GmbH
- krisdigitalKrisdigital
- langelYpsilanti, MI
- leNEKOFrance, near Lyon
- mcanthonyDΞFCONCΞPTS
- mekayamaelectrounin
- mtytelVital Audio, LLC
- Omega9D.V.I.
- rudakovskyMoscow
- shiehnSignals And Sorcery
- smoothdeveloper·
- swelljoeVirtualmin, Inc.
- takafashiKawasaki
- tekitTek'it Studio
- Tomcat23
- trycatcher
- twobobψπ
- unfaWarsaw, Poland
- ViktorNovaStagecraft OS