
(PoC) 🕹️🎶 Sound Voltex key mapper for コナステ version

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Sound Voltex key mapper for コナステ version


Modes and key combinations, FAUCETWO MANUAL

  • mouseX ➡️ left knob control (q/w)
  • mouseY ➡️ right knob control (o/p)

Development background

The GlovePIE is great game key mapper, but I felt uncomfortable that the key mapping script could not be automatic executed when focusing on a specific game application.

Although it is manual 😮‍💨.. I thought it would be better to have a function to run a script with a shortcut key instead of a GUI button.


  1. Install pipenv
  2. run pipenv install
  3. run python3 app.py (require administrator permission)
    • enable override mouse input with p+i shortcut
    • disable override mouse input with shift shortcut


  • Ability to override mouse input when focusing on a specific game application
  • CLI to GUI