
Seventh assignment of my web development learning journey with Programming Hero.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to BPL-DREAM 11, a React-based fantasy cricket application where users can build and manage their cricket teams, following a Figma design guideline. This project involves selecting players, managing team budgets, and engaging with an intuitive, dynamic interface that allows users to make team selections within coin limitations and displays player-specific data.

Technologies Used

  • React.js: Leveraging components, JSX, props, conditional rendering, useState, and useEffect hooks for efficient state management and UI interaction.
  • Tailwind CSS & Daisy UI: For responsive and attractive design, closely following the Figma-provided styling and component structure.

Key Features

  1. Dynamic Team Management: Users can select players based on coin availability, view chosen players in a separate section, and toggle between available and selected players.
  2. Interactive User Notifications: Using React-Toastify, users receive real-time notifications and alerts for key actions like player selection, removal, or insufficient funds.
  3. Real-Time Coin and Player Count Updates: Includes a user coin display in the navbar that updates with each player selection, adhering to selection limits and validations.

Live Link of This Project: https://web-bpl-dream11.netlify.app/