Hi 👋, I'm Nicolás

Product Engineer focused on Healthtech products.


Usually, when people ask, "so, what are you up to at the moment?" my mind goes blank. So I've put this now page:

  • ✍️ I'm writing about how to work from Chile for USA companies at TrabajoRemoto.cl.

  • 👨‍💻 I work as a full-time Software Engineer in Matilda.

  • 🦕 With Eli, we founded Codeness, a software company that creates digital products for healthcare professionals. We made Apposito (Firebase + React Native 😉), an application that helps nurses document wounds objectively (with images).

  • 🎓 I'm teaching Frontend development with ⚛️ React in Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Technologies I'm comfortable working with

  • Programming Languages: Ruby, JavaScript, Python.
  • Backend: Ruby on Rails, Node, Firebase
  • Frontend: React, HTML, CSS (vanilla, Bootstrap, Tailwind), Hotwire
  • Mobile: React Native, Expo
  • Cloud and Tools: Git, Heroku, Docker
  • Databases: MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, Firestore


📫 You can reach me at ngomez@hey.com