
A collection of GNURadio flowgraphs that act as wrappers for various SDRs

STILLSUIT is a collection of GNURadio flowgraphs that act as wrappers for three common Software Defined Radios. The output
of each flowgraph is a ZMQ datastream and each one also starts an XMLRPC server for remote control.
Each SDR's parameters are exposed as command line arguments and there was a focus on normalizing common SDR parameters.
STILLSUIT was created to work with the ARAKKIS project (https://github.com/muaddib1984/arrakis). ARAKKIS uses any of the 
STILLSUIT flowgraphs on a remote host as the data source to a co-located DSP processor flowgraph. The DSP flowgraph connects 
over a low data rate IP Connection (SSH) to a data visualization flowgraph on a local machine for remote spectrum monitoring. 

The STILLSUIT SDR Portions in the diagram are contained in STILLSUIT.
The three supported SDR's are: 
-Ettus Research USRP
-LimeMicro LimeSDR

+-------------------------------+        +----------------+
| REMOTE HOST                   |        |LOCAL HOST      |
| +---------+    +------------+ |  SSH   |                |
| |  (SDR)  | ZMQ|    (DSP)   | |  ZMQ   | (VISUALIZATION |
| +---------+    +------------+ |        | AND CONTROL)   |
+-------------------------------+        +-----+----------+
       ^               ^                       |
       |               +-----------------------+

GNURadio 3.9+

-STILLSUIT streams complex32 type I/Q data from the flowgraph via ZMQ.

-STILLSUIT exposes all RADIO parameters to be remote controlled via an XMLRPC server.
    The default ports for all three STILLSUIT sources is 8000, but can be changed via command line arguments.

-The default parameters for STILLSUIT are set to work with the ARAKKIS project 'out of the box'. 
    Parameters can be seen using '-h' in the command line.

    uhd_stillsuit.py -h

usage: uhd_stillsuit.py [-h] [-x CONTROL_IP] [-X CONTROL_PORT] [-b RF_BW]
                        [-f RF_FREQ] [-g RF_GAIN] [-s SAMP_RATE] [-I UHD_ADDRESS]
                        [-A UHD_ARGS] [-o ZMQ_OUT_IP]

radio head for passing I/Q to other flowgraphs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -x CONTROL_IP, --control-ip CONTROL_IP
                        Set XMLRPC SERVER IP [default='']
  -X CONTROL_PORT, --control-port CONTROL_PORT
                        Set XMLRPC SERVER PORT [default=8000]
  -b RF_BW, --rf-bw RF_BW
                        Set RF BANDWITDH [default='20.0M']
  -f RF_FREQ, --rf-freq RF_FREQ
                        Set RF FREQUENCY [default='750.0M']
  -g RF_GAIN, --rf-gain RF_GAIN
                        Set RF GAIN [default='20.0']
  -s SAMP_RATE, --samp-rate SAMP_RATE
                        Set SAMPLE RATE [default='20.0M']
  -I UHD_ADDRESS, --uhd-address UHD_ADDRESS
                        Set UHD Device Address (example: 'serial=ABCD1234' or
                        'addr=') [default='']
  -A UHD_ARGS, --uhd-args UHD_ARGS
                        Set UHD ARGS (example:
                        'rcv_frame_size=8192,num_rcv_frames=128') [default='']
  -o ZMQ_OUT_IP, --zmq-out-ip ZMQ_OUT_IP
                        Set ZMQ OUT IP ADDR [default='']

    lime_stillsuit.py -h
usage: lime_stillsuit.py [-h] [-x CONTROL_IP] [-X CONTROL_PORT] [-b RF_BW]
                         [-f RF_FREQ] [-g RF_GAIN] [-s SAMP_RATE] [-o ZMQ_OUT_IP]

radio head for passing I/Q to other flowgraphs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -x CONTROL_IP, --control-ip CONTROL_IP
                        Set XMLRPC SERVER IP [default='']
  -X CONTROL_PORT, --control-port CONTROL_PORT
                        Set XMLRPC SERVER PORT [default=8000]
  -b RF_BW, --rf-bw RF_BW
                        Set RF BANDWITDH [default='20.0M']
  -f RF_FREQ, --rf-freq RF_FREQ
                        Set RF FREQUENCY [default='750.0M']
  -g RF_GAIN, --rf-gain RF_GAIN
                        Set RF GAIN [default='20.0']
  -s SAMP_RATE, --samp-rate SAMP_RATE
                        Set SAMPLE RATE [default='20.0M']
  -o ZMQ_OUT_IP, --zmq-out-ip ZMQ_OUT_IP
                        Set ZMQ OUT IP ADDR [default='']

    rtl_stillsuit.py -h

usage: rtl_stillsuit.py [-h] [-x CONTROL_IP] [-X CONTROL_PORT] [-d DEVICE_IDX]
                        [-f RF_FREQ] [-g RF_GAIN] [-s SAMP_RATE] [-o ZMQ_OUT_IP]

radio head for passing I/Q to other flowgraphs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -x CONTROL_IP, --control-ip CONTROL_IP
                        Set XMLRPC SERVER IP [default='']
  -X CONTROL_PORT, --control-port CONTROL_PORT
                        Set XMLRPC SERVER PORT [default=8000]
  -d DEVICE_IDX, --device-idx DEVICE_IDX
                        Set DEVICE INDEX [default=0]
  -f RF_FREQ, --rf-freq RF_FREQ
                        Set RF FREQUENCY [default='750.0M']
  -g RF_GAIN, --rf-gain RF_GAIN
                        Set RF GAIN [default='20.0']
  -s SAMP_RATE, --samp-rate SAMP_RATE
                        Set SAMPLE RATE [default='2.56M']
  -o ZMQ_OUT_IP, --zmq-out-ip ZMQ_OUT_IP
                        Set ZMQ OUT IP ADDR [default='']


The sampling rate for the STILLSUIT sources for USRP and LimeSDR are set by default to 20Msps.
The sampling rate for the STILLSUIT RTLSDR is set by default to 2Msps.

Future Work:
Include HackRF