Kanban is a platform that allows us to create a typical kanban board. You can add cards to a column. Consider this your traditional todo list board.
- Requirements
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Change log
- Testing
- Contributing
- References
- Security
- Credits
- License
Make sure your server meets the following requirements.
- Apache 2.2+ or nginx
- MySQL Server 5.7.8+ , Mariadb 10.3.2+ or PostgreSQL
- Composer installed
- PHP Version 8.0+
- Node v16.17.0 / NPM 8.15.0
Make sure you have the following php extensions enabled
bz2, curl, date, dom, exif, gettext, intl, json, libxml, mbstring, fileinfo, mysqli, openss, PDO, pdo_mysql, posix, soap, sqlite3, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter xsl, zip, zlib
This application is built using (php, Laravel 9, Vue2, tailwindcss) Please be sure to google about this stack in order to better understand. Also, as side note, we use other tools for smooth integration such as
spatie-db-dumper, vue-js-modal, vue-draggable
. The links are available in the References section
It packs in lots of demanding features that allows this project to scale in no time:
- Auth & Main Pages
- Kanban Board
- Add and Delete columns
- Delete Columns
- Access cards via access token
- Preserve Board state (remember where board was lastly saved)
- Save card to column when dragged & dropped
Install composer with the help of the instructions given here
wget https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
chmod +x composer.phar
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Install Node.js/NPM with the help of the instructions given here However it is good to use node version manager (nvm) in order to manage and choose the correct node version.
Linux/Unix yum install npm
OR using MacOs brew install node
Fork and/or clone this project by running the following command
git clone https://github.com/muarachmann/kanban-board.git
Navigate into the project's directory
cd kanban-board
Copy .env.example for .env and modify according to your credentials
cp .env.example .env
Run this command to install dependencies
composer install --prefer-dist
This command will install all dependencies needed by the Waspito Lab platform to run successfully!
Generate application key
php artisan key:generate
Install npm/yarn dependencies (Preference is using Yarn)
npm install or yarn install
Create a database first, then migrate and seed the kanban board. database, which has vital information about the functioning of the app.
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Note: This is always clear any information and reseed, use it wisely a better option when modifications are done is to migrate and reseed.
The kanban board comes with several commands which are run to ensure proper functioning of the system for example to generate access tokens to have access to all cards.
A few are cited below, feel free to add more by contributing to this readme.
Command | Description |
php artisan serve |
Runs the application on a local port (8000) by default. |
php artisan k-board:token |
Returns a valid access token that can be used to access all cards. See [#Access-cards] |
If you ish to access all cards in the board. You can do that via an api token.
First you will need to create one uisin ghte k-board:token
command to get a valid token.
NB This token is valid for 2 hours. Once done? use it as shown below:
GET https://kanban-board.test/api/k-board/cards?access_token=<access_token>&date=2023-01-08&status=1
{'status': '0|1', 'date': 'YYYY-MM-DD}
Where status = 0
returns all deleted cards and status = 1
all active cards
NB: It is advisable to install valet in order to better test functionality If you are on a Linux based OS. Make sure to install its own version valet-linux notice While I haven't tried on a windows machine feel free to explore - https://medium.com/@samimrezgui123/how-to-install-laravel-valet-on-windows-os-afdc23d69719
Once valet is setup, navigate to http://kanban-board.test
Run yarn/npm in dev mode
npm run dev
OR yarn run dev
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
// todo
Run the tests using:
composer test
Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.
Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.
If you discover any security related issues, please email muarachmann@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
MIT. Please see the license file for more information.