
:tada: Datepicker component for vue.js build with Tailwind CSS & dayjs date library

Primary LanguageVue

Tailwind CSS Datepicker Component Vue.js + SSR support

Datepicker component for vue.js built with Tailwind CSS, and the day.js date library.

Vue Tailwind Picker supports SSR.


Light mode


Dark mode



For more information about vue-tailwind-picker, view the docs(progress for updated). Read the CHANGELOG.

Free Tailwind CSS Design Component

This was created using the free component from Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS Design


The MIT License (MIT). Please see for more information.


Please see for more information what has changed recently.

Donate & Support

If you would like to support the development of this package, you can donate here. 😊 Thank you...

Made with love by Ken