
Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Show4show is a simple dynamic website for watching live TV channels


  1. Change webview dynamically.
  2. Smooth handling of .m3u file format
  3. Convert the .m3u file format to JSON format
  4. Searching for channels by channel name
  5. Many categories of channels

User story

  • As a user, I can find free channels and watch them free .
  • As a user, I can search for channels using name and categorie section.


Run the project locally:

Clone this repost : https://github.com/GSG-G10/Show4Show.git

git clone https://github.com/GSG-G10/Show4Show.git
Download it directly

Install Npm Modules

npm i or npm install

Run the ReactJs server

npm start

Cool Now you are in :star-struck:

You can use the project using http://localhost:3000

Have Fun Bye Bye :man-raising-hand: