
Official LISTEN.moe Desktop Client

Primary LanguageVue

Official LISTEN.moe Desktop Client

Simple, not so lightweight LISTEN.moe client for Windows/Linux/Mac.

The window will snap to the edges of your screen, and you can mouse scroll on the window to increase/decrease the volume. You can also set it to be topmost by right clicking the window and selecting 'Always on top'.


Download the latest release from here and run it.


  • Scroll on volume icon to change the value, or click on it to show the bar.
  • Log in to favorite songs right from your desktop
  • Supports 2fa if you have it enabled on your account
  • Display album art
  • Clicking on artist name or album art will open a tab on your browser with that artist/album page
  • Toggle preferring romaji over japanese
  • Toggle always on top
  • Toggle gaps between player components
  • Toggle small/big album art


This is still in development. Stuff might break.


desktop-app © iCrawl.
Authored and maintained by iCrawl.

GitHub @iCrawl