There are 3 important contracts.

  • Token - Token contract. No dependency with any other contract
  • Timelock - Timelock contract. The passed proposals will be queued, then after the delay it'll be executed.
  • GovernorAlpha - Governance contract. Create proposals, vote on them, execute them etc...


3 constructor arguments.

  • account - Initial holder of all the tokens.
  • minter - Set (future) minter account
  • mintingAllowedAfter - Future timestamp. Only after this timestamp, more minting will be allowed

Normal ERC-20 methods including permit. setMinter to change the minter address.

There are few methods related to delegating. More about delegating methods

GovernorAlpha & Timelock

Timelock has 2 constructor arguments - admin and delay. Admin should be the governance contract to execute the proposals and delay in time period.

GovernorAlpha has 3 constructor arguments - timelock (Timelock address), tkn (Token address) & guardian (Governance guardian).

Since governance contract needs timelock address, timelock contract should be deployed first with a different admin address (address should be accessible)

Then the governance contract should be deployed. Timelock has a setPendingAdmin method to change the admin which should be called by the current admin via queueTransaction method to queue the transaction, and set the pending admin as the governance contract. Once the delay on the timelock contract is completed, current admin should executeTransaction.

After this, the new admin (governance contract) should accept admin status via acceptAdmin method. Which is called from GovernorAlpha via __acceptAdmin method.

Once this process is complete, governance is ready.

Then proposals can me made via propose method. Once passed queue can be called to queue the transaction to the timelock. execute to execute after timelock delay.