
Application from Ruby on Rails course

Primary LanguageRuby


Learning Application of Ruby on Rails course from Thinknetica school.

Application helps to provide testing process. It includes next entities:

  • Test - a container for some scope of questions
  • Question - contains question text
  • Answer - describes answer. With answer text also contains option - is question correct. Answer
  • TestSession - describes some all information about one testing session. Links with Test which was pass, each answer result - wrong or correct. Additionally may contain passing time.

Configuration notices

Database (MySQL)

Before install gems you need to install MySQL server with next:

apt install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev

After installation need to inialize first configuration


and create new user

sudo mysql -uroot -p --execute="CREATE USER 'oleg'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123';GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'oleg'@'localhost';"