
A Skeleton Thesis file for Astronomy & Astrophysics PhD Theses at the University of Toronto

Primary LanguageTeX

LaTeX Thesis Template for the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto

Note (May 1, 2018): There are a bunch of convienences that have been introduced in LaTeX/BibTeX since I made this template, most notably the use of latexmk to simplify the compilation process, making the Makefile here redundant. But all aspects of this template should work.

Last Updated: July 4, 2012 (Mubdi Rahman)

This template with work for any LaTeX installation in a POSIX environment (like Linux or Cygwin). It includes the ability to use all the direct formatting from AASTeX (including macros such as the deluxetable environment and the like), BibTeX, and includes a couple of edits to make the final document look a little nicer (in my opinion), such as changing from the horrendously ugly LaTeX default font.

The files you'll want to edit are:

  1. thesis.tex: Your main thesis file

  2. thesiscommands.tex: All the optional latex commands you've defined

  3. thesis.bib: Your bibtex file (you can steal the bibtex references directly from ADS)

  4. Each of the intro/chapter/conclusion files: Where the bulk of your material will go

For your convenience there are a few scripts to make your life easier:

  1. A Makefile: Just type "make" at the command line and you'll have your thesis.pdf file! Type "make clean" and it's all gone again!

  2. scripteps2pdf.sh: Since this uses pdflatex for better quality output, all figures should be in PDF format. Since the journals generally require eps format, this script converts all eps files to pdf in each of the chapter subdirectories. From the command line, type in:


Important Notes:

  • Bibtex will barf if you don't have any citations in the file (and it will refuse to let the makefile make anything.) Make sure you have at least one citation in to make sure it is successful.

  • For those of you using git for version control, I do have a .gitignore file as well to make your lives easier. Just ask me for it.