
pytest: helps you write better programs

The pytest framework makes it easy to write small, readable tests, and can scale to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries

Why use PyTest?

  • Very easy to start with because of its simple and easy syntax.
  • Can run tests in parallel.
  • Can run a specific test or a subset of tests
  • Automatically detect tests
  • Skip tests
  • Open source

Unit Test

A unit test is a way of testing a unit - the smallest piece of code that can be logically isolated in a system. In most programming languages, that is a function, a subroutine, a method or property. The isolated part of the definition is important.

Automated Test Scripts

An automated test script is the next level, where the script programmatically performs the setup and validation all on its own. Turning your test script into an automated test script can save time, reduce error and serve as documentation for your software

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